10-minute plays


This Isn’t a Good Play So Don’t Demand Your Money Back Because I Already Warned You


Pirates, pirates, tea, and pirates. This isn’t a very good play.

Catamount Out!

A very big cat has escaped its cage at the zoo. So come on, people run!

Mr. Brixley

A man in a hat demands to be let in to a house, but a man in a robe really doesn’t want to let him. Who is this mysterious Mr. Brixley the hat man so desperately wants to find?

The Staircase

The bust of former American philosopher and educational reformer John Dewey really wants to be freed. But a little museum goer has ideas of her own…

Waitin’ By the Skin Tree

Why are the Devil and a Man waitin’ by the skin tree? Who called them here? God forbid a woman! And why the heck did she hang a skin on this tree, anyway?

The Bathtub Play

All Sam would like is to perform her bathtub play, which a play she performs in the bathtub. It requires peace and quiet and a glass of wine. But my goodness, why does everyone seem to need her right now.

The Jelly Jam

Marmalade sales have skyrocketed overnight! There are riots in the streets! Fear spreads like jam on toast. Which side will you choose?

Interested in reading more? Contact Miriam for more information.